Director's Message

"Education is one of the most powerful aspects of life."

Nelson Mandela once said “Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world” and it still rings so true for our time and generation. With ever increasing uncertainty of what future holds in terms of career and employment opportunities, it has indeed become necessary to educate a child not only in what we know but equip him/her with the necessary skills for acquiring knowledge for the future. And to that effect our classroom instructions are designed to facilitate active learning by enabling flipped classrooms, research based projects etc in order to develop critical & creative thinking, soft skills, ICT skills and leadership skills in the students. And by doing so the children are not just equipped to take jobs but to create one even as they go about solving the problems of humanity through their ingenuity. Over the past many years we have created a niche for ourselves by treading a path no one else has discovered. And this journey would have been impossible without the able support of the parents to this enduring vision. We are committed to serve the children by helping them become leaders so that they may lead us into a brighter future where truth, life and light fill the spaces.

Ms. Sushma Bhaskar
B.Ed. , B.Lib.

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