{{ $select.selected.centre_code }}
{{ trustAsHtml(course.centre_code) }}
This field is required!
This field is required!
{{ $select.selected.programme }}
{{ trustAsHtml(course.programme) }}
This field is required!
{{ $select.selected.course_name }}
{{ course.course_name }}
This field is required!
This field is required!
This field is required!
{{ $select.selected.duration }}
{{ d.duration }}
This field is required!
This field is required!

Personal Details

This field is required!
This field is required!
This field is required!
This field is required!
This field is required!
This field is required!
This field is required!
This field is required!
This field is required!
This field is required!!
This field is required!!
Please enter a valid number!
Please enter a valid number!
This field is required!
Please enter a valid email address!
This field is required!
Exam Passed
Board/ University
Roll No
Year of Passing
Marks Obtained
Total Marks
10th / Equivalent
Please fill all the necessary qualifications!
  1. 10th Mark sheet
  2. 12th Mark sheet
  3. Graduation Mark Sheet
  4. Graduation Degree
  5. Post Graduation Mark Sheet
  6. Diploma Certificate
  7. Aadhar Card
  8. Others

Upload Documents : *

Upload Passport Size Photo *
This field is required!
Unable to upload photo. Please try again
{{ photo.name }}
Upload Signature of Student *
This field is required!
Unable to upload signature. Please try again
{{ signature.name }}
Attach all document in Single PDF. *
This field is required!
Unable to upload document. Please try again
{{ document.name }}

I hereby declare that the information given in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In case any information given in this application proves to be false or incorrect, I shall be responsible for the consequences.

This field is required!
{{ $select.selected.centre_code }}
{{ trustAsHtml(course.centre_code) }}
This field is required!
This field is required!
{{ $select.selected.programme }}
{{ trustAsHtml(course.programme) }}
This field is required!
{{ $select.selected.course_name }}
{{ course.course_name }}
This field is required!
This field is required!
This field is required!
{{ $select.selected.duration }}
{{ d.duration }}
This field is required!
This field is required!

Personal Details

This field is required!
This field is required!
This field is required!
This field is required!
This field is required!
This field is required!
This field is required!
This field is required!
This field is required!
This field is required!!
This field is required!!
Please enter a valid number!
Please enter a valid number!
This field is required!
Please enter a valid email address!
This field is required!
Exam Passed
Board/ University
Roll No
Year of Passing
Marks Obtained
Total Marks
10th / Equivalent
Please fill all the necessary qualifications!
  1. 10th Mark sheet * This field is required!
  2. 12th Mark sheet
  3. Graduation Mark Sheet
  4. Graduation Degree
  5. Post Graduation Mark Sheet
  6. Diploma Certificate
  7. Aadhar Card
  8. Others

Upload Documents : *

Upload Passport Size Photo *
This field is required!
{{ photo.name }}
Upload Signature of Student *
This field is required!
{{ signature.name }}
Attach all document in Single PDF. *
This field is required!
{{ document.name }}

I hereby declare that the information given in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In case any information given in this application proves to be false or incorrect, I shall be responsible for the consequences.

This field is required!

Session 20___-20___

{{ userData.enrollment_no }}
{{ userData.centre_code }}
{{ userData.course }}
{{ userData.course_duration }}
{{ userData.centre }}
{{ userData.medium }}
{{ userData.student_name }}
{{ userData.father_name }}
{{ userData.mother_name }}
{{ userData.dob | date:'MM/dd/yyyy' }}
{{ userData.nationality }}
{{ userData.address }}
{{ userData.city }}
{{ userData.state }}
{{ userData.pincode }}
{{ userData.mobile }}
{{ userData.phone }}
{{ userData.email }}
Exam Passed Board/University Rollno Year of Passing Marks Obtained Total Marks Grade/Percentage
10th/Equivalent {{ userData.education_detail.tenth.institue_name }} {{ userData.education_detail.tenth.roll_no }} {{ userData.education_detail.tenth.year }} {{ userData.education_detail.tenth.marksObtain }} {{ userData.education_detail.tenth.TotalMark }} {{ userData.education_detail.tenth.grade }}
12th/Equivalent {{ userData.education_detail.Twelveth.institue_name }} {{ userData.education_detail.Twelveth.roll_no }} {{ userData.education_detail.Twelveth.year }} {{ userData.education_detail.Twelveth.marksObtain }} {{ userData.education_detail.Twelveth.TotalMark }} {{ userData.education_detail.Twelveth.grade }}
Graduation {{ userData.education_detail.Graduation.institue_name }} {{ userData.education_detail.Graduation.roll_no }} {{ userData.education_detail.Graduation.year }} {{ userData.education_detail.Graduation.marksObtain }} {{ userData.education_detail.Graduation.TotalMark }} {{ userData.education_detail.Graduation.grade }}
other {{ userData.education_detail.Other.institue_name }} {{ userData.education_detail.Other.roll_no }} {{ userData.education_detail.Other.year }} {{ userData.education_detail.Other.marksObtain }} {{ userData.education_detail.Other.TotalMark }} {{ userData.education_detail.Other.grade }}
  1. 10th Mark sheet This field is required
  2. 12th Mark sheet
  3. Graduation Mark Sheet
  4. Graduation Degree
  5. Post Graduation Mark Sheet
  6. Diploma Certificate
  7. Aadhar Card
  8. Passport Size Photo

The Director

This is to declare that, I {{ userData.student_name }} S/D/o Sh.{{ userData.father_name }} of have taken admission in {{ userData.course }} Program in (December/ June) 20 {{ userData.created_at | date: 'yy' }} in Y.V.C.V.E.T. and I assure that all the documents enclosed related to my qualification regarding the admission are genuine and authentic. I say and submit that to gain and enhance my knowledge and academic value I want to join {{ userData.course }} programme / academic course of Y.V.C.V.E.T., New Delhi and further advancement of my professional career.

In the event of supersession or distortion of any fact like educational, documents related to nationality and study period etc. made in my application form, I understand that my admission is liable to be cancelled. I am eligible for the examination as per the rule of the Y.V.C.V.E.T. I shall be responsible for the consequences if the information filled by me is found incorrect. If I am found ineligible for admission to a course, at any stage my application will be rejected even if my result finally declared and consequently such result also would be void.
I further say and submit that I am aware of the fact that Y.V.C.V.E.T. is not approved by NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR TEACHER EDUCATION and even if I do not get any advantage of said course after its completion, I hereby undertake not to hold the above Y.V.C.V.E.T. Its institution or any other person responsible in any manner for getting no benefit of said course. I say and declare that above course advanced by Y.V.C.V.E.T. is only for enhancement of my knowledge and nothing more and with the clear understanding by I joined the said course at my own risk and cost. I further say that I have gone through the prospectus of Y.V.C.V.E.T. and I am fully satisfied with contents of the same.
I also undertake not to claim any damage for the same.
Whatever is stated here in above is true and correct to my own knowledge and behalf.

Thank You!

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